GDL can integrate 22,000 m² of storage space into a solution to your specific logistical problem. The storage facilities include storage space for various non-ADR goods with the following possibilities:
• An excise warehouse
• A customs warehouse
• Approval by the FAVV (Federaal Agentschap voor de Voedselveiligheid [Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain, FASFC]) for the safe storage of food and animal feed
• Storage of organic produce (‘BIO’ storage)
• Specific types of wine storage, for both B2B and B2C
With an in-house warehouse management system whereby goods can be labelled with an individual bar code, GDL is able to co-organize your stock monitoring system.
In order to optimally guarantee the fire resistance of stored goods, our warehouses are fitted throughout with fire sprinklers.
If necessary, we can arrange for the temporary storage of wines at a branch establishment in Libourne, close to Bordeaux.