Customs & Excises
With a team of experienced customs clerks, we can take care of all your customs formalities:
• Import-and export formalities (the PLDA (Paperless Customs & Excise) and the ATA (Admission Temporaire – Temporary Admission) Carnet)
• Transit formalities (T (Transit)-documents and the Tir (Transports Internationaux Routiers – International Road Transport) Carnet)
• Certificates of origin (the CvO (Certificate of Origin), the Eur.1 movement certificate and the ATR (Admission Temporaire Roulette) movement certificate)
• Intrastat declarations
In addition, we are able to store goods, for a short or longer period, in our excise-and customs warehouse, type U (previously type D). We do the stock control of all your customs-and excise goods and the related formalities :
• AC4 (PLDA)
• Excise-related documents (EMCS (Excise Movement and Control System))